Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween

Q: What's scary about South Georgia Island?
A: The Boo-head whales!

Hah hah hah! Actually, the bowhead whale is a cold water whale that lives in the Arctic and not likely to be seen around South Georgia Island... but it makes for a good Halloween greeting!

Today the team enjoyed another day of relaxing, eating and attending wonderful lectures given by the on board naturalists and biologists. The seas have been calm and everyone showed up for a costume party to celebrate Halloween. Here are some pictures of the evening entertainment:

Jane, Richard and Laurie enjoying the festivities

Vern letting his hair down.

We also received this audio dispatch, more like a chorus, singing Brahms Lullaby. It actually arrived on November 2nd, but they shout "Happy Halloween" perhaps it is a re-recording(?)

Thanks to Chris and Chuck we have several new photos to share from the expedition. Take a look and make sure to check back again soon for another update!

Is this Anja? We think so!

Making their way to snow (on the first few steps of the crossing).

Traveling in rope two rope teams under blue skies.

Congratulations to our Shackleton Crossing team!

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