The team is putting their "down time" to good use aboard the Plancius. Today they practiced pitching camp in windy conditions--what better place to do that than on the open air deck! While on deck they spotted a small pod of whales. They too were headed south.
It was a great day to be outside. The sun was shining bright, and, as is often the case after 24 hours at sea, everyone is starting to get their sea legs.
The team also saw some albatross fly by. It's quite impressive to see birds nonchalantly cruising through the air when they're over 500 miles from the nearest landfall!
When not practicing camp skills or observing wildlife on deck, the team is attending presentations, checking their gear and stoking their explorer's spirit. Check back tomorrow for another update.
the hearn's are wishing the team all the best and looking forward to the adventure. keith heger, simon, alex Hearn.